
This is quite possibly the ugliest page I've ever seen. Looked so much prettier before I published it. I would love some advice as to how to de-ugly this, but for now, I'm the only one watching, and I can't help me...go figure.

Anyways, I have found that committing to something, such as a race, or cooking a meal for someone, helps me to actually do what I have set out to do. Which, in essence is the purpose of this blog, is it not?

Presently, you will find information about races I have done, will do, and want to do. Perhaps you'll join me? (Most of these races exist in some form or another pretty much everywhere.)

Completed Races:
April 16th, 2011
5K in 38:45 (First race, so that's a PR!)

Super Sprint Triathlon
May 8th, 2011
I competed in this as a part of a relay team, and ran 2 miles in 25:09. Overall, our team placed 22nd in the relays.

Upcoming Races:
Run Girl Half Marathon
December 11th, 2011

Super Sprint Triathlon
May 8th, 2012?
 This time, going solo!

Bucket-list Races:
Warrior Dash

Tough Mudder
A Marathon
Half Ironman
Maybe even an Ironman?